Corporate and Social Responsibility Policy
Marrill Ltd supports the promotion of technology, innovation and performance in a responsible, sustainable manner and expects that its suppliers also follow this principle.
We actively encourage Marrill Ltd’s suppliers to communicate and promote the ethos of the principles outlined in this guide throughout their entire supply chain.
We observe the following principles and expect that all suppliers and sub-suppliers will do so as well:
a) Child Labour
We will not use child labour and will not employ any person below the age of 16. Compensation
b)We will promote our employees’ material well-being by providing compensation and benefits that are competitive and comply with applicable law.
c) Forced Labour
We will not use forced labour, regardless of its form. We will not tolerate physically abusive disciplinary practices. We will not make employment conditional upon retention of an employee’s government issued identification, passports or work permits.
d) Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
We recognise and respect our employees’ right to associate freely and bargain collectively. We will work constructively with recognised representatives to promote the interests of our employees. Where employees are not represented by unions, we will seek to provide opportunities for employee concerns to be heard.
e) Discrimination
We are committed to being an equal opportunities employer and oppose all forms of unlawful discrimination. This includes but is not limited to discrimination, harassment or victimisation on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
f) Health and Safety
We will provide and maintain for all employees a safe and healthy working environment that meets or exceeds applicable standards for occupational safety and health
g) Work Hours, Wages and benefits
We will comply with applicable law regulating hours of work. We will pay wages in compliance with applicable law and regulations, including those relating to minimum wage and legally mandated benefits.
h) Bullying and Harassment
We do not tolerate bullying or harassment for any reason. This applies not only in the work place but outside work where there is a work connection, for example a social event.
We will ensure that we maintain strict control over the environmental aspects of all our products, processes and facilities. We will commit to an ongoing reduction in energy consumption and reduction in factory emissions. We will minimise the impact of our activities, products and services on the environment through waste reduction, along with increases in reuse and recycling. We will attain ISO14001 accreditation and operate and maintain an environmental system in line with ISO14001.
Marrill Ltd’s ethical integrity is never compromised.
In addition to our established standards for corporate conduct, we commit to the following:
a) Anti Corruption and Bribery
We will conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. A zero-tolerance approach is taken to all forms of bribery and corruption. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter all forms of bribery and corruption and specifically prohibit any form of facilitation payment or kickback.
b) Anti Competitive Behaviour
We will conduct all our business dealings in line with all applicable competition laws and regulations.
c) Escalation
We have an escalation policy to ensure that all employees, at all levels feel able to report any observed unethical behaviour without fear of reprisal. Any observed unethical behaviour should first be raised with their line manager. The matter will be investigated and resolved without delay. Matters of a more serious nature should be escalated to the Head of Finance.
Head Office
Waterman Road
West Midlands
Tel: +44 (0)2476 689 221
Marrill (Powys) Limited
SY22 5DH
Tel: +44 (0)1691 648 561
Pressings Division
Neilson Road
Tyne & Wear
NE10 0EW
Tel: +44 (0)191 478 6565